AutoSplitter photo scanning software logoAutoSplitter

Scan multiple photos at once and crop them automatically

Scan your photos and crop multiple images at once

Short animation showing how this photo scanning software works
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Multiple photo scanning software for Windows Windows compatible - Win10, 11, 8.1, 8, 7, XP

AutoSplitter will let you scan multiple photos at once. Individual photos in the scan will be automatically detected, cropped, straightened and saved into image files.
Crop multiple images automatically from a single scan of several photos.
Video icon - show demonstration video Click here to see a short demonstration video >>

Main features of this photo scanning software in version v1.14.12
Scan & auto crop

Auto detect and crop scanned photos to individual files.


Restore vivid colors and add contrast to your old family photos.

Captioning & tagging

Add text captions to your scanned photos. Save captions and dates into exif metadata.

How to multi crop your scanned photos

Follow these simple instructions to quickly scan your family photo collection with this photo scanning software. The default workflow of this utility will let you scan multiple photos at once and crop them automatically. Scan multiple pictures and separate them easily. Extract images from the scan like magic. How to arrange multiple photos for scanning on a flatbed scanner
  1. Software to scan multiple photos at once Download and install AutoSplitter picture scanning software.
  2. Place several photos on your flatbed scanner. Make sure they don't overlap and leave at least half inch gap between them. 3-5 photos will fit comfortably.
  3. Click Scan in AutoSplitter - choose scanner and DPI (scanning resolution) on the first scan. You can change this later.
  4. AutoSplitter will auto detect, straighten and highlight separate photos in your scan - adjust the detected areas at this point with your mouse if you need to. Detected photos are called "splits".
  5. Click Save All - scanned photos will be auto cropped and saved to individual files.
  6. Repeat from step #2 for subsequent photos.
This is the basic workflow of scanning multiple photos with this photo scanning software. This software will auto crop scanned photos in each pass - multiple photos in a single scan. This is the best way to scan a lot of photos. In case you have your photos already scanned with another application or you want to increase accuracy of the auto-crop, AutoSplitter provides other methods to scan your old pictures. Keep reading to find out.

Auto cropping pre-scanned files

Download icon - scan multiple photos at once DOWNLOAD
Photo scanning software bulk scanning photos - review auto crop results Many people scan multiple photos at once and save the results to files without splitting the scan into individual images. AutoSplitter photo scanning software can help you in this scenario as well. You can open any amount of pre-scanned files and the software will detect and auto crop individual photos from each scanned image and will save them to separate files. There are 3 ways to initiate file processing:
  1. Click Open File(s) button in AutoSplitter and choose the file(s) you want to be auto cropped.
  2. Click Open Folder button in AutoSplitter and choose the folder that contains your pre-scanned images.
  3. Drag and drop one or more scanned image files from Windows Explorer onto AutoSplitter's main screen.
In each case, AutoSplitter's photo detection will engage and look for invididual photos in the image file. If you have opened more then one file, a new panel will show up on the left side of the software's main window. This panel is titled "Review batch detection". It will show the thumbnails of all processed files. Detected photos will be highlighted by a red frame. This is how you proceed now:
  1. Double click an image in this panel. The image will be opened and the splits will be displayed in the right hand panel.
  2. Make adjustments to the detected photos if needed.
  3. Save all button writes all photos to disc.
  4. Repeat from step #1 as long as you have reviewed everything.
Click Finish review button to conclude your review session. You cannot return to the review session anymore after this point, so make sure you have done everything you wanted.
You can scan trading cards, baseball cards, postcards as well. The software will recognize rectangular shapes and auto crop them.

Retouch your scanned photos automatically

Check out all 3 before and after examples, use the slider to reveal more details:
Scan auto retouch example 1 selector Scan auto retouch example 2 selector Scan auto retouch example 3 selector
Photo before retouching - example 1 Photo retouch results from picture scanning software
Photo before retouching - example 2 Picture scanning software revitalized photo - colors are now vivid
Photo before retouching - example 3 Enhanced photo - orange tone removed automatically
Installer for photo scanner software DOWNLOAD

Old photos usually fade or yellow. Why does this happen? It's mainly down to 3 things: 1) UV radiation. Ultraviolet frequencies are a part of natural sunlight. These rays are damaging, they will cause your photos to fade out over time. Protect your old prints from light, keep them under cover all the time! 2) Acidic paper. Some photos have been printed on material that will deteriorate without any interference over time. This usually causes orangeish tint in your photo. 3) Fungal growth. You can't avoid these tiny lifeforms - they will cause brownish discoloration to your photos. Most fungi like damp and dark places, so keeping your photos as dry as possible helps prevent fungal build up.

Whatever happened to your colors, AutoSplitter offers automatic photo correction features which efficiently fights against all these aging effects. Revitalize colors feature will bring your old, faded or yellowed photos back to life. Even black and white photos are going to be much more vivid after revitalization. You can also change contrast and saturation values of your scanned photos. Increased contrast will make photos more lively, while increased saturation will make colors pop out even more. Experiment with the automatic color correction options: different photos need different treatment. Remember to revise your settings periodically, something that worked with your previous batch of photos might not be as ideal for the next batch.

Feel free to check out these image recovery before & after samples in this section: see how AutoSplitter restored colors of deteriorated photos.

Starting from v1.13 this photo scanning software lets you can adjust scanner brightness and contrast to further improve quality of your scans. It is recommended to slightly increase contrast and decrease brightness for crispier images.

Add text captions and meta tags to your scanned photos

Scan multiple photos at once and caption them

Yet another feature of this photo scanning software is captioning and meta tagging. Responding to popular request you can now add text captions under your scanned photos. Caption font, color and background color can be changed to suit your taste.

Scan multiple photos at once, then caption them just before saving to disc. Text captions are a useful tool to preserve and relive even more memories. You can add dates, locations and names of friends and relatives who have been captured in the photo.

See example captioned photo to the left.

Get installer for AutoSplitter DOWNLOAD

Meta tags are useful information embedded inside the image file itself. These tags are invisible on the photo, but many image editing and cataloging software can display and use these tags to make the image easier to find. You can save your captions as visible captions (see above) or metadata information or BOTH.

Find scanned photos quickly by metadata search Windows will index metadata information of your scanned photos and will help you find the images. This is what I get when I type Zürich into the Windows search bar - see screenshot on the left.

Furthermore, Windows Explorer will display these captions saved into the file when hovering over them with the mouse or when observing the file properties, or selecting an image file with the View/Details pane enabled. For JPEG and TIF files annotations are saved as exif metadata. EXIF support is widespread accross all image software. Metadata is also saved for PNG files, but it's a different format (IDAT chunks), with limited 3rd party support. Windows Explorer will only display metadata of JPG and TIF files. Other image software may or may not support these tags. Please verify your options if you are planning to use this great feature.

Scanned photo metadata tagged, shown in Windows Explorer mouseover hint Image properties showing caption metadata after scanning

Other useful features

Multiple photo scanning software download here DOWNLOAD
Popup zoom window lets you finetune photo cropping

There are several useful features to help you scanning all your old family photos.

4 corners scanning method for fastest and best results

Download AutoSplitter and start scanning photos DOWNLOAD
This method requires a bit of preparation. Group your photos by size: ideally you will want to scan 4 photos of identical size in each pass.
  1. Put one photo in each corner of your flatbed scanner's document window.
  2. Make sure the checkbox "preserve splits" is checked in AutoSplitter.
  3. Click the Scan button and see your photos being autodetected and cropped. If you need to, adjust the cropping areas.
  4. Click Save All to write the individual photographs to disc.
  5. Repeat from step #1 - from now on AutoSplitter will reuse the highlighted areas for cropping and extracting the freshly scanned photos.
What is different in this workflow? Detection of photos is only done once - and then the results are carried over for all subsequent scanning passes. This method guarantees that all your photo detections will be accurate as long as you scan photos of identical size. This scanning process is optimal, you don't need to wait for the photo scanning software to autodetect photos again after each scan. This method will also guarantee that photos are always detected very accurately.

Technical specifications

Scan multiple photos at once with this software DOWNLOAD

AutoSplitter multiple photo scanning software is Windows compatible. The software should work with all flatbed scanners through WIA and/or TWAIN interface. Please update your scanner's driver software package if you experience compatibility issues. Open files of TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG or BMP. Save all of these except BMP. DPI information will be preserved when loading/scanning images in all cases when the output format supports EXIF metadata. This comes handy in case you would ever want to reproduce your scans in print. Captions saved to EXIF metadata for JPEG and TIF, into IDAT chunks for PNG.

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