AutoSplitter photo scanning software logoAutoSplitter

Scan multiple photos at once and crop them automatically

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AutoSplitterPhoto Scanning
Assets stay safe
Privacy preserved
No turnaround time
Low cost
Control over output
Zero cost if unsatisfied
Download AutoSplitter now!

AutoSplitter is an efficient multi photo scanning software

We'll explain why. If you want to find the best way to digitize your old family photographs, AutoSplitter might be the right solution for you. Let's take a short look on your options for putting your memory box onto a digital medium.

1) Let AutoSplitter do it
Pros Cons
2) Do it yourself
Pros Cons
3) Photo scanning service
Pros Cons
4) Photo Scanner device
Pretty much the same pros and cons as AutoSplitter, except for the hefty price tag which is between $90 and $300.

Think about these options and possibilities and decide for yourself. Download a copy of AutoSplitter here.
Download AutoSplitterDownload AutoSplitter now!